Our purpose as a Student Ministry reflects the purpose and mission of the church. We want to come together and worship God. We want students to feel connected through small groups and fellowship. We want students growing in their faith through biblical teaching. And we want them sharing their gifts and their faith. We want any and all students to feel welcome here at Somerset Alliance. Our main meeting time is Wednesday Nights.

Wednesday Night Youth group

Every Wednesday Night we meet for Youth Group @ 6:30 PM (we are currently meeting in the Fellowship Hall). We will have some time for the students to hang out and fellowship with each other, then we will play a game and give some announcements followed by a time of worship and a short lesson. After that, we split up into small groups to discuss and apply the lesson. During these nights we see our mission displayed, students connecting, worshiping, growing in their faith to the point where they start sharing it. All students in 6th through 12th grade are invited and encouraged to come!


Throughout the year we will have different events that are fun and engaging for the students. They range anywhere from Glow in the Dark Dodgeball to Scavenger Hunts. We want these events to bring new students in to hear the Good News of Jesus. We also plan different retreats for the students. Our Senior High retreat is usually in the Spring and Junior High is usually in the Fall. If you want more information about the events and upcoming Wednesday nights, contact our Youth Pastor, Pastor Eric, at